
Interested in our products? Contact us. We will submit you to one of our trading partners located beneath you. You are a dealer and want to offer our products? Here you will find a list of our commercial agencies.


Cable assembly & control cabinet construction

Herr Thomas Vogler


Schöneggweg 17

87727 Babenhausen (DE)

Telefon: 00 49 / (0)8333 9211 0

Fax: 0049 / (0) 8333 92 11 -75

Mail: info@hedi.de

Trading partners for cable reels, luminaires, extension cables and energy distributors



Hannuß Werkzeuge

Andreas Hannuß e.K.

Brunnenstraße 10

72135 Dettenhausen

Phone: 00 49 (0) 7157 53 84 05 0

Fax: 0049 (0) 7157 53 84 05 38

Mail: a.hannuss@hannuss.de

Bavaria (North)

Hörl Industrievertretungen

Seligenporter Straße 4a

90453 Nürnberg

Tel.: 00 49 (0) 911-9643340

Fax: 00 49 (0) 911-9643341

Mail: hedi@hoerl-nuernberg.de

Bavaria (South)

Werner Liedtke Industrievertretungen

Herr W. Liedtke

Schleißheimer Straße 12 a

85748 Garching

Mobil: 0049 (0) 172 89 83 93 5

Mail: liedtkewerner@web.de

Berlin, Brandenburg

Max Pohlhaus

Inh. Jörg Priebe e.K.

Herr J. Priebe

Birkenstraße 18 d

14822 Borkwalde

Phone: 0049 (0) 33845 900 70

Mail: pohlhaus@jpriebe.de

Bremen, Niedersachsen

Azzara Industrievertretungen

Herr Azzara

Wachtelgarten 9

59557 Lippstadt

Mobil: 0049 (0) 175 93 83 39 0

Fax: 0049 (0) 2941 74 96 89 9

Mail: cpa@azzara-industrievertretungen.de

Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein

Herr A. Priebe

Dorfstraße 2a

23843 Bad Oldesloe

Phone: 0049 (0) 4531 80 45 29

Fax: 0049 (0) 4531 80 48 94

Mail andreas.priebe@pohlhaus-jpriebe.de


Hüncher Handelsvertretung & Vertrieb

Herr A. Hüncher

Am Gilbenkopf 1

66113 Saarbrücken

Phone: 0049 (0) 681 73 04 30

Mobil: 0049 (0) 171 85 03 70 5

Fax: 0049 (0) 681 75 28 21

Mail: huencher@t-online.de

Internet: www.huencher.de


(Only ZIP 32, 33 and 49)

Azzara Industrievertretungen

Herr Azzara

Wachtelgarten 9

59557 Lippstadt

Mobil: 0049 (0) 175 93 83 39 0

Fax: 0049 (0) 2941 74 96 89 9

Mail: cpa@azzara-industrievertretungen.de


(except for ZIP 32, 33 ans 49)

J. Johann Industrievertretung

Herr J. Johann

Grünestraße 67

42929 Wermelskirchen

Phone: 0049 (0) 2196 88 85 20 0

Mobil: 0049 (0) 174 18 52 51 7

Fax: 0049 (0) 2196 88 85 20 1

Mail: j.johann-industrievertretung@gmx.de

Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland

Hüncher Handelsvertretung & Vertrieb

Herr A. Hüncher

Am Gilbenkopf 1

66113 Saarbrücken

Phone: 0049 (0) 681 73 04 30

Mobil: 0049 (0) 171 85 03 70 5

Fax: 0049 (0) 681 75 28 21

Mail: huencher@t-online.de

Internet: www.huencher.de

Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen

Udo Wendelmuth Industrie- und Handelsvertretung

Herr U. Wendelmuth

Erfurter Straße 61

99195 Schwansee

Phone: 0049 (0) 36204 50 40 9

Mobil: 0049 (0) 172 36 20 77 8

Fax: 0049 (0) 36204 51 58 9

Mail: info@wendelmuth.de


Belgium and the Netherlands

Export HEDI GmbH

Schöneggweg 17

87727 Babenhausen (DE)

Phone: 0049 (0) 8333 92 11 0

Fax: 0049 (0) 8333 92 11 75

Mail: sekretariat@hedi.de

Italy (North)

P. Grohe GmbH

J.-G.-Mahlstraße 11

I-39031 Bruneck (BZ)

Phone: 0039 (0) 04 74 547 200

Fax: 0039 (0) 04 74 547 220

Internet: www.groheshop.com


Hüncher Handelsvertretung & Vertrieb

Herr A. Hüncher

Am Gilbenkopf 1

D-66113 Saarbrücken

Phone: 0049 (0) 681 73 04 30

Mobil: 0049 (0) 1 71 85 03 70 5

Fax: 0049 (0) 68 1 75 28 21

Mail: huencher@t-online.de

Internet: www.huencher.de


(Postcode 1, 2, 3, 7, 80-86)

Helmut Unger Werksvertretungen

Othellogasse 1/9/9

A-1230 Wien

Phone: 0043 (0) 161 53 96 5

Fax: 0043 (0) 161 62 13 7


(Postcode 4, 5, 60-66, 87-89, 9)

Reinhard Wolfsgruber Werksvertretungen

Schillerring 3

A-4814 Neukirchen/Altmünster

Phone: 0043 (0) 664 46 61 17 3

Fax: 0043 (0) 76 12 87 16 2


(Postcode 67-68)

Kaufmann GmbH

Römerstraße 93

A-6811 Göfis

Phone: 0043 (0) 55 22 73 82 2

Fax: 00 43 (0) 55 22 72 40 4

Internet: www.kaufmann-tools.at

Saudi Arabia, Dubai

Export HEDI GmbH

Schöneggweg 17

87727 Babenhausen (DE)

Phone: 0049 (0) 8333 92 11 0

Fax: 0049 (0) 8333 92 11 75

Mail: sekretariat@hedi.de



C/ Arangutxi 12 (Pol. Ind. Júndiz)

ES-01015 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava)

Phone: 0034 (0) 945 29 03 04

Fax: 00 34 (0) 945 29 20 92

Internet: www.aginco.es

HEDI Katalog Prospekt

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You can find our catalogue and all current product flyers and offers in our online catalogue portal.

Interested in our products? Contact us. We will submit you to one of our trading partners located beneath you or advise you on our products.

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When you contact us, you consent to the processing of the transmitted data for the purpose of handling your request. The consent is voluntary. You can revoke your consent at any time by sending us an informal declaration, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until revocation. Should the consent be invalid, the data processing will be carried out on the basis of Art. 6 Para. l lit. f DS-GVO for the purpose of processing your request. For further information, please refer to the data protection declaration. uns without affecting the lawfulness of the processing that took place until the revocation. Should the consent be invalid, the data processing will be carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. l lit. f DS-GVO for the purpose of processing your request. For further information, please refer to the Terms of privacy.




Elektro- und Gerätebau

Schöneggweg 17

D-87727 Babenhausen



+49 (0) 8333 92 11 -75

E-Mail address: