General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment of HEDI GmbH, Elektro- und Gerätebau, 87727 Babenhausen, Germany
The following terms and conditions of delivery shall apply to all contracts, deliveries and other services, including consulting services, unless they are modified or excluded with the express consent of the seller. General terms and conditions of the buyer shall not become binding even if the seller does not expressly object to them again.
Offer and conclusion
Offers are always subject to change; contract conclusions and other agreements shall only become binding upon written confirmation by the Seller. As far as
sales employees or sales representatives make verbal subsidiary agreements or give assurances that go beyond the written purchase contract, these always require the written confirmation of the seller. The documents belonging to the offer, such as illustrations, drawings, weights and dimensions are, unless otherwise agreed, only approximate.
Terms of delivery, delay, impossibility of delivery
Das Verstreichen bestimmter Lieferfristen und -termine befreit den Käufer, der vom Vertrag zurücktreten oder Schadensersatz wegen Nichterfüllung verlangen will, nicht von der Setzung einer angemessenen Nachfrist zur Erbringung der Leistung und der Erklärung, dass er die Leistung nach Ablauf der Frist ablehnen werde. Das gilt nicht, soweit der Verkäufer eine Frist oder einen Termin zur Leistung ausdrücklich oder schriftlich als verbindlich bezeichnet hat. Teillieferungen sind in zumutbarem Umfang zulässig. Die Lieferfrist verlängert sich - auch innerhalb eines Verzuges - angemessen bei Eintritt höherer Gewalt und allen unvorhergesehenen, nach Vertragsabschluß eingetretenen Hindernissen, die der Verkäufer nicht zu vertreten hat, soweit solche Hindernisse nachweislich auf die Lieferung des verkauften Gegenstandes von erheblichem Einfluss sind. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn diese Umstände bei den Lieferanten des Verkäufers und deren Unterlieferanten eintreten. Beginn und Ende derartiger Hindernisse teilt der Verkäufer dem Käufer baldmöglichst mit. Der Käufer kann vom Verkäufer die Erklärung verlangen, ob er zurücktritt oder innerhalb angemessener Frist liefern will. Erklärt sich der Verkäufer nicht unverzüglich, kann der Käufer zurücktreten. Lieferfristen verlängern sich um den Zeitraum, in dem der Käufer mit seinen Vertragspflichten - innerhalb einer laufenden Geschäftsbeziehung auch aus anderen Verträgen - in Verzug ist. Verzug und Ausbleiben (Unmöglichkeit) der Lieferung hat der Verkäufer solange nicht zu vertreten, als ihn, seine Erfüllungsgehilfen und Vorlieferanten kein Verschuldensvorwurf trifft. Im übrigen haftet er nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Hat er danach Schadensersatz zu leisten, so beschränkt sich ein dem Käufer zustehender Schadensersatzanspruch - sofern der Vertrag mit einer gewerblichen Tätigkeit des Käufers zusammenhängt - auf den im Zeitpunkt des Vertragsabschlusses voraussehbaren Schaden, höchstens aber 10% vom Werte desjenigen Teils der Gesamtlieferung, der infolge der Verspätung bzw. Nichtlieferung nicht rechtzeitig oder nicht vertragsgemäß benutzt werden kann. Diese Einschränkung gilt nicht, soweit der Verkäufer in Fällen des Vorsatzes oder der groben Fahrlässigkeit zwingend haftet. Für durch Verschulden seines Vorlieferanten verzögerte oder unterbliebene (Unmöglichkeit) Lieferungen, hat der Verkäufer keinesfalls einzustehen. Das Recht des Käufers zum Rücktritt nach fruchtlosen Ablauf, einer dem Verkäufer gesetzten Nachfrist, bleibt unberührt.
Shipping and transfer of risk
Unless otherwise agreed, the route and means of shipment shall be at the discretion of the seller. If shipment is delayed at the request of or through the fault of the buyer, the goods shall be stored at the expense and risk of the buyer. In this case, notification of readiness for shipment shall be deemed equivalent to shipment. Otherwise, the risk shall pass to the buyer when the goods are handed over to its forwarding agent or carrier, but no later than when the goods leave the warehouse.
The packaging will be charged separately. If the type and value of the packaging justify taking it back, and if the packaging is returned free warehouse within one month using the old marks with all packing materials, credit will only be given on the terms previously agreed in each case. Light packaging, such as cartons, etc., will not be taken back. The conditions of the seller or the manufacturer's works or the cable reel company shall apply to transport aids returned late.
Prices and payment
Die Preise verstehen sich stets zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer in der jeweiligen gesetzlichen Höhe. Die Zahlung hat, soweit nicht ausdrücklich anders vereinbart, binnen 30 Tagen nach Rechnungsdatum so zu erfolgen, dass dem Verkäufer der für den Rechnungsausgleich vereinbarte Betrag spätestens am Fälligkeitstermin zur Verfügung steht. Zahlungen für Reparaturen sind ohne Abzug sofort fällig. Der Verkäufer nimmt nur bei entsprechender Vereinbarung diskontfähige und ordnungsgemäß versteuerte Wechsel zahlungshalber an. Gutschriften über Wechsel und Schecks erfolgen vorbehaltlich des Eingangs abzüglich der Auslagen mit Wertstellung des Tages, an dem der Verkäufer über den Gegenwert verfügen kann. Die Forderungen des Verkäufers werden dann unabhängig von der Laufzeit etwa hereingenommener und gutgeschriebener Wechsel sofort fällig, wenn die Zahlungsbedingungen nicht eingehalten, oder Tatsachen bekannt werden, die eine Kreditwürdigkeit des Käufers zweifelhaft erscheinen lassen. Bei Zahlungsverzug sind - unabhängig von der Geltendmachung weiteren Verzugsschadens - Verzugszinsen zu zahlen. Von Kaufleuten werden zumindest Zinsen ab Fälligkeit gem. §§ 325, 353 HGB erhoben. Skonti werden nicht gewährt, wenn sich der Käufer mit der Bezahlung früherer Lieferungen im Rückstand befindet. Die Aufrechnung mit etwaigen vom Verkäufer bestrittenen Gegenansprüchen des Käufers ist nicht statthaft. Die Geltendmachung eines Zurückbehaltungsrechts wegen nicht anerkannter oder nicht rechtskräftig festgestellter Gegenansprüche ist ausgeschlossen, sofern diese Ansprüche nicht auf dem selben Vertragsverhältnis beruhen. Wenn eine Mängelrüge geltend gemacht wird, dürfen Zahlungen des Käufers in einem Umfang zurückgehalten werden, der in einem angemessenen Verhältnis zu den aufgetretenen Mängeln steht. Gehört jedoch der Vertrag zum Betriebe eines Handelsgewerbes, so kann der Käufer Zahlungen nur zurückhalten, wenn eine Mängelrüge geltend gemacht wird, über deren Berechtigung kein Zweifel bestehen kann. Zahlungen dürfen an Angestellte des Verkäufers nur erfolgen, wenn diese eine gültige Inkasso-Vollmacht vorweisen.
Retention of title
a) The seller retains ownership of the goods until the purchase price has been paid in full. In the case of goods which the buyer purchases from him in the course of his commercial activities, the seller shall retain title until all his claims against the buyer arising from the business relationship, including claims arising in the future from contracts concluded at the same time or later, have been settled. This shall also apply if individual or all claims of the seller have been included in a current invoice and the balance has been struck and accepted. In the event of a breach of important contractual obligations, in particular in the event of default in payment, the seller shall be entitled to take back the goods after issuing a reminder, and the buyer shall be obliged to surrender the goods. In the repossession as well as in the seizure of the object by the salesman lies, if the Abzahlungsgesetz does not apply
the contract only if this is expressly declared by the seller in writing. In the event of seizures or other interventions by third parties, the buyer shall notify the seller in writing, sending the seizure protocol as well as an affidavit on the identity of the seized item.
b) The buyer is entitled to resell the goods in the ordinary course of business, provided that the claims from the resale are transferred to the seller as follows: The buyer hereby assigns to the seller all claims, including all ancillary rights, accruing to him from the resale against the buyer or against third parties, irrespective of whether the goods subject to retention of title are resold without or after processing. The buyer is authorized to collect these claims even after the assignment. This shall not affect the seller's right to collect the claims himself, but the seller undertakes not to collect the claims as long as the buyer duly meets his payment obligations.
The seller may demand that the buyer informs him of the assigned claims and their debtors, provides all information necessary for collection, hands over the relevant documents and informs the debtors of the assignments. If the goods are resold together with other goods which do not belong to the seller, the buyer's claim against the buyer shall be deemed assigned in the amount of the delivery price agreed between the seller and the buyer.
c) Processing of the goods subject to retention of title shall be carried out for the seller as manufacturer within the meaning of § 950 BGB (German Civil Code) without obligating the seller. The processed goods shall be deemed to be goods subject to retention of title within the meaning of these terms and conditions. If the goods subject to retention of title are processed or inseparably mixed with other items not belonging to the seller, the seller shall acquire co-ownership of the new item in the ratio of the invoice value of the goods subject to retention of title to the invoice value of the other goods used at the time of processing or mixing. The co-ownership rights thus created shall be deemed to be reserved goods within the meaning of these terms and conditions. If the goods are combined or inseparably mixed with other movable items to form a single item, and if the other item is to be regarded as the main item, it shall be deemed agreed that the buyer shall transfer co-ownership on a pro rata basis insofar as the main item belongs to him. The same applies to the item resulting from the processing, connection and mixing as to the reserved goods.
d) The seller undertakes to release the securities to which he is entitled insofar as their value exceeds the claims to be secured, insofar as these have not yet been settled, by more than 25%.
Notice of defects and warranty
The seller is only liable for following defects:
a) The buyer must inspect the received goods immediately upon arrival for quantity, quality and warranted characteristics. Obvious defects must be notified to the seller in writing within one week.
b) In the event of justified complaints, the seller shall, at its discretion, either remedy the defective goods or deliver a replacement.
c) In order to remedy the defect, the buyer shall grant the seller the time and opportunity reasonably required, in particular to make available the object complained of or samples thereof; otherwise the warranty shall lapse.
d) If the seller allows a reasonable period of grace granted to him to elapse without rectifying the defect or supplying a replacement, or if the rectification or replacement is impossible or is refused by the seller, the buyer shall be entitled, at his discretion, to demand cancellation of the contract (redhibitory action) or reduction of the purchase price (abatement).
e) Any improper modifications and repair work carried out by the buyer or third parties shall void the liability for the resulting consequences.
f) The warranty period for repairs is 3 months, for replacement deliveries and replacement services 6 months. It shall run at least until the expiry of the original warranty period for the delivery item or as long as and to the extent that the seller itself is entitled to corresponding warranty claims against its upstream supplier. The period for liability for defects shall be extended by the duration of the interruption of operations caused by the fact that repairs, replacement deliveries or replacement services become necessary, for those parts which cannot be operated expediently due to the interruption.
g) If the sold goods lack a warranted quality at the time of the transfer of risk, the buyer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract. He may only claim damages for non-performance if the purpose of the warranty was to protect him against this.
General limitation of liability
The seller's liability shall be governed exclusively by the agreements made in the preceding section. Claims for damages by the buyer arising from culpa in contrahendo, breach of ancillary contractual obligations and tort are excluded, unless they are based on intent gross negligence by the seller or one of his agents; this limitation of liability applies accordingly to the buyer. These claims become time-barred 1/2 year after receipt of the goods by the buyer.
If the submission of a cost estimate is requested before repairs are carried out, this must be expressly stated. The costs of the estimate shall be reimbursed, insofar as there is an ongoing business relationship between the seller and the buyer to which these General Terms and Conditions apply, if the repair is not commissioned. Whether a repair is carried out in the seller's own workshop or in a workshop of a third party shall be at the seller's discretion. The provisions of Clauses 8 and 9 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the seller's warranty. Costs for shipping and packaging shall be borne by the buyer. Repair invoices are due immediately.
Place of performance, place of jurisdiction, applicable law
The place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction for deliveries and payments (including actions on checks and bills of exchange), as well as all disputes arising between the parties, shall be the headquarters of the seller, insofar as the buyer is a registered merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law. The relations between the contracting parties shall be governed exclusively by the law applicable in the Federal Republic of Germany and excluding the Hague Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. In accordance with §§ 26 and 34 of the BDSG, we hereby inform you that we store data of your company, as far as necessary for business and permissible within the framework of the BDSG, with us or with third parties. Of course, this only affects data that originates directly from our business relations with each other.
General Terms & Conditions of Purchase of HEDI GmbH Elektro- und Gerätebau
1. Scope
2. Offer and conclusion of contract
3. Prices and payment conditions
4. Delivery, transfer of risk, packaging
5. Delivery period and default in delivery
6. Defective delivery
7. Product liability
8. Quality
9. Confidentiality and disclosure to third parties
10. Retention of title and provision of materials
11. Place of fulfilment, place of jurisdiction, applicable law, concluding provision
Version: April 2021
General Terms & Conditions of Purchase (German Version)
General Terms & Conditions of Purchase (English Version)
General Terms of Sale of HEDI GmbH Elektro- und Gerätebau
1. General provisions
2. Offer and conclusion of contract
3. Prices, payment and default
4. Delivery, delivery period, transfer or risk
5. Default in delivery, impossibility of delivery
6. Retention of title
7. Confidentiality
8. Provision of materials
9. Repairs
10. Defective delivery and warranty claims
11. Liability and compensation claims
12. Erfüllungsort, Gerichtsstand, anwendbares Recht, Schlussbestimmung
Version: May 2021
General Terms & Conditions of Sale(German Version)
General Terms & Conditions of Sale (English Version)
When you contact us, you consent to the processing of the transmitted data for the purpose of handling your request. The consent is voluntary. You can revoke your consent at any time by sending us an informal declaration, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until revocation. Should the consent be invalid, the data processing will be carried out on the basis of Art. 6 Para. l lit. f DS-GVO for the purpose of processing your request. For further information, please refer to the data protection declaration. uns without affecting the lawfulness of the processing that took place until the revocation. Should the consent be invalid, the data processing will be carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. l lit. f DS-GVO for the purpose of processing your request. For further information, please refer to the Terms of privacy.
Elektro- und Gerätebau
Schöneggweg 17
D-87727 Babenhausen
+49 (0) 8333 92 11 -75
E-Mail address: